Aid to finance your work for sustainable development


In order to encourage individuals to do energy renovation work, the State has put in place numerous aids. They exist in the form of a premium, a tax credit or a zero interest loan. Decryption of the main programs to finance your energy renovation works.


The zero-rate eco-loan encourages homeowners built before 1990 to finance energy renovation works. Up to a maximum of € 30,000 (repayable without interest), this aid makes it possible to finance several types of work.

Thus, the installations that allow the dwelling to go below a certain threshold of overall energy consumption and the renovation operations of the individual sanitation system are concerned. Some work can also be done to improve the insulation of the dwelling and / or the installation of a heating or cleaner hot water system.

The tax credit

It allows to deduct from its taxes a portion of the amount of insulation work, installation of cleaner energy production systems and / or all work to achieve energy savings.

The spending limit taken into account in its calculation is 8000 euros per year for a single person and 16000 euros for a couple. It is increased by 400 euros per additional dependent person.

Note: this assistance can be combined with the Energy Transition Tax Credit (ISCED), formerly known as the Sustainable Development Tax Credit. ISCED is a feature of the latest finance law.

The energy renovation bonus

An energy renovation bonus of 1350 euros, paid by the ADEME, can be granted for energy renovation works of housing of more than 2 years.

To benefit from it, it is necessary to have resources inferior to 25000 euros per year for a person occupying only the dwelling and 35000 euros for a housing occupied to two. This amount is increased by 7500 euros per additional dependent person.

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